
Teaching Material

El Pequeño Bandoneonista

20 Pequeñas Obras Digitadas — (20 small fingeed works)
This exercise album was published in Buenos Aires by Ricordi Americana in 1954 as the first book containing original compositions for the bandoneon and taking into account the particular possibilities of the instrument as there are articulation, expression and sound.

The keyboards of the right and left hand are treated separately to achieve an independent handling of the voices fulfilling the suppression of the left hand which is used in popular music to play the accompaniment chords. The technique is also different, since the deep bass notes play an important role in many works.

In Noche de luna, Aire de zamba 1 and 2, Estudio inicial, Aire de danza and Canción, the emphasis is on the legato and the correct use of the air valve for a good performance and the fingering is defined for a fluid phrase. For the rest of the works, particularly for the movements vivace, allegro and vivo you have to care the pure sound and discard the hurting staccato and avoid the muscle force to produce the sound.

The teacher have to insist in the correct manage of the valve, the phrasing depends on it, and try to get effects with pulsation, difficult but not impossible to achieve.

Estudio inicial lento
Marcha aire marcial (giocoso)
Vals triste allegretto cantabile
Danza antigua tempo di Gavotta
Aire de Mazurca allegretto con fuoco
Marcha tempo di marcia
Danza vivace
Canción andante cantabile
Aire de Danza allegretto ma non troppo
Allegro allegro
Pequeño Preludio allegro giocoso
El Pequeño Virtuoso allegretto con moto
Canción Folklórica allegretto cantabile
Pequeño Preludio allegro
Gato allegro vivo
Noche de Luna adagio
Aire de Zamba 1 allegretto ma non troppo
Aire de Zamba 2 allegretto cantabile
Juegos allegro vivo
Estudio Final allegro molto
not included:
Aire de Zamba 3 allegretto Buenos Aires 1939, rev. Granada 14-12-1988

Suite Infantil N° 1

The Suite Infantil No 1, dedicated to Barletta's daughter Alita, is an original composition for bandoneon and was published by Ricordi Americana in 1957 (BA. 11475) as a study book. It includes 9 fingered works and contains technical instructions for each piece.

Aparición del Hada andante espressivo
Marcha allegretto vibrante
Danza del Hada allegretto con moto
Juegos vivace
El Pastorcito adagio cantabile
Danza del Hada y el Pastorcito allegro
El Paseo con moto
El Descanso andante espressivo
El Hada desaparece allegretto

Suite Infantil N° 2

There is no evidence that Suite Infantil N° 2 was published ever.

Transcriptions and Arrangements for Bandoneon

An important contribution was the adaption of works for the bandoneon a some of them were made available by Albums.

Los Clasicos al Bandoneón

Besides performing own compositions, he wrote many transcriptions of baroque works and contemporary new music which complete his concert repertory. Additionally some were published.

The following book contains transcriptions for bandoneon of works of great classical composers.

Libro I:
Obras transcriptas o adaptadas y digitadas
por Alejandro Barletta
B.A. 11277, Ricordi Americana, Buenos Aires, 1955

1 Frescobaldi G. corrente prima
2 corrente quarta
3 Bach J. S. pequeño preludio
4 Minué
5 Minué
6 Händel G. F. Sarabanda
7 Mozart W. A. Minué
8a Beethoven L. v. Sonatina
8b Romanza
9 Schumann R. Coral
10 pequeña canción
11 pequeña pieza
12 caballero salvaje

From his Concert Repertory


From Karl Oriwohl's Repertory

Karl Oriwohl     - bandoneón rom Berlin plays a chromatic Kusserow bandoneon.